Renowned musician Shakira is under fire for her perspective on Barbie, as shared during a recent Allure feature. In the interview, Shakira discussed the acclaimed film, which garnered numerous award nominations and featured a notable speech by America Ferrera on the essence of womanhood in 2023.
According to the singer, “My sons really disliked it. They perceived it as emasculating,” she remarked. “I tend to agree, to some extent. As a mother raising two boys, I aim for them to feel empowered while also respecting women.”
Shakira further elaborated, stating, “I appreciate pop culture when it strives to empower women without diminishing men’s ability to assert themselves, provide, and protect. I advocate for equipping women with all the resources and faith that we can excel in all realms without compromising our core, without abandoning our femininity. I believe men have a distinct societal role, just as women do. We complement each other, and that bond should not be forfeited.”
Swiftly, the online community criticized Shakira, with numerous followers asserting that the singer had missed the core message of “Barbie.”
Shakira tiene derecho a opinar sobre «Barbie», claro, pero es que no ha entendido nada. Y eso que el mensaje de la película no puede ser más evidente: las mujeres y los hombres merecen el mismo respeto y las mismas posibilidades. De eso va el propio feminismo, de igualdad.
— Juan Roures (@JuanRoures) April 1, 2024
and they were on twitter trying to convince us there’s no one on this planet who requires the intro level feminism of barbie.
— vee (@jssicaTAY) April 1, 2024
Several individuals questioned, “If men fail to acknowledge our privileges, how can we strive to bridge the gaps? What purpose does the empowerment championed in your latest album serve?”
Aunque soy súper fan de Shakira, no hay cómo defender esas palabras en Allure acerca de Barbie. Si los hombres no reconocemos nuestros privilegios, no trabajamos en reducir las brechas ¿de qué sirve el empoderamiento del que tanto predica en su nuevo disco? Mal ahí.
— Rodrigo Sandoval Araújo (@Elbayabuyiba) April 1, 2024
Some netizens humorously juxtaposed Shakira’s musical themes with her recent statements.
Shakira: las mujeres ya no lloran las mujeres facturan nosequé Barbie: abajo el patriarcadoalso Shakira: QUÉ ES ESTO NIÑOS NO MIRÉIS
— joan (taylor’s version) (@joanpsilvestre) April 1, 2024
Not la Shakira diciendo eso sobre Barbie cuando tiene un álbum que se llama “las mujeres ya no lloran”. La congruencia quizás la dejó en España de repente jeje. Make it make sense reina.
— David Mate (@DavidEMateD) April 1, 2024
Certain commentators hoped Shakira’s remarks were merely a jest for April Fools’ Day.
A few individuals highlighted what they regarded as conflicting narratives from Shakira, pointing out that in the same interview, she voiced opinions on Eve’s story being crafted by misogynists.
En esta misma entrevista, Shakira dijo que la historia de Eva es una historia creada por misóginos. Brillante. Pero, ¿después va y se preocupa por la emasculación en Barbie?
Madre, decídete. O somos «unapologetic» o nos seguimos dejando vencer por los roles de género.
— edmundiván 🥭 (@edmundanchi) April 1, 2024
Lastly, numerous individuals expressed fatigue regarding the ongoing discourse around Barbie and criticized Shakira for reigniting the discussion.
Image Source: Shakira @ Instagram