A pleasant surprise greeted enthusiasts of Cardi B as she spontaneously collaborated with Keith Lee for a joint venture. Demonstrating her encounter with a fertilized egg on camera Keith Lee-inspired, the Dominican-American singer posted a food review clip featuring the food critic and mixed martial artist today (March 18).
The internet community was thrilled to witness Cardi’s impression of Lee in her fertilized egg video. In the clip, she pays tribute to Lee’s famous TikTok introductions by stating: “I’ve acquired it. Let’s give it a shot. And rate it from 1 to 10.” Although the dish didn’t particularly appeal to her, fans enjoyed her sincere reactions to the egg. One user on TikTok, @moworthmedia, commented: “hey, can we look forward to more of this?? cardi’s taste experiment!!”
While a range of taste trials is yet to be confirmed, Cardi and Lee teamed up to taste-test burgers.
In Cardi’s video, she expresses her lack of excitement for food in Los Angeles, but acknowledges a “strong suggestion” to try Easy Street Burgers. Lee initially reviewed Easy Street Burgers back in 2023.
“You know what? Since this spot was advised to me, if I don’t like it, I want to share my thoughts candidly,” she jokes as she introduces Lee to the audience. Lee joins her, delivering his signature introduction right next to Cardi, linking back to her fertilized egg video’s intro.
Identifying herself as a “certified burger expert” and recollecting her recent burger escapades in Colombia where she relished what she deems the best burger, Cardi gives favorable ratings to the two burgers she sampled. Describing the initial smash burger – known as the Jalapeño Monster – as reminiscent of a “more upscale Shake Shack” with flavors similar to a “chopped cheese,” she rates it a 9 and describes it as “a healthier Shake Shack.” About the Bacon Grilled Onion Burger, she assigns a 7 rating, attributing it to her lukewarm fondness for bacon. Lee emphasizes the variety in individual tastes and bestows a flawless score of 10 on the bacon burger.
Lee also presented his version of the clip, incorporating his personal editing style. Additionally, he revealed the prices of the burgers: $12.50 for the Jalapeño Monster and $13.50 for the Bacon Grilled Onion Burger.
This isn’t the first occasion where Cardi B and Keith Lee have connected in discussions. Last October, she supported his perspectives on Atlanta diners.
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