With merely 22 days left until Election Day in the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris is fervently campaigning.
Her latest event was a town hall hosted by Univision. During “Latinos Preguntan: Kamala Harris Responde,” Latino voters from around the country were given the chance to pose questions to the Democratic Presidential nominee.
Healthcare was a key topic during the Univision town hall
Vice President Harris responded to numerous questions concerning healthcare issues that Latino voters face. Francisco Medina, a Navy software engineer from San Diego, California, recounted his struggles with obtaining therapy for a knee injury.
Medina endured a two-year wait for his health insurance to authorize an MRI, and following that approval, he faced an additional month-long delay for the actual procedure. In search of a quicker resolution, he traveled to Tijuana, Mexico, where he obtained an MRI just 45 minutes after visiting a specialist, allowing him to commence therapy for his injury without further delay.
“I firmly and deeply believe that access to healthcare is a right and should be a right, not just a privilege for those who can afford it or have easy access to it,” Vice President Harris responded to Medina. “It should be something that we make accessible to all people.”
She also underscored her record on healthcare access in the United States, highlighting the Biden administration’s initiative to limit the cost of insulin to $35 a month, thus making this crucial medication more attainable for those in need.
One voter questioned President Biden’s role in the transition
Mario Sigbaum openly expressed his dissatisfaction with President Biden’s decision to step aside. He inquired how she could be the Democratic nominee after the primary voting was complete and President Biden had already voted as the nominee.
In her reply, Vice President Harris acknowledged the uniqueness of the current election and recognized her own candidacy as exceptional. She lauded President Biden for his bravery in making the decision to withdraw.
After thanking Sigbaum for his candid question, Vice President Harris outlined the choice voters face in this election.
“We are literally having a choice as the American people about choosing a path that either respects the rule of law and democracy or one that admires dictators,” Vice President Harris communicated to Sigbaum.
Vice President Harris struggled to identify three virtues of former President Trump
When asked to name three positive traits of her opponent, Vice President Harris found it challenging to attribute any commendable virtues to the former one-term president.
Instead, she reminded the audience of former President Trump’s methods of dividing the nation through derogatory remarks and targeting large groups.
“I don’t admire him,” Vice President Harris told the audience.
However, she did acknowledge one aspect she believes former President Trump values: the love of his family. Vice President Harris emphasized the importance of family love and its priority, but otherwise had little else to offer regarding her opponent.
You can view the entire town hall below:
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